130 You are seeing this because you have activated a Tech Support debugging feature of MediaFACE 4.01. The attachment to this email is a "screenshot". This screenshot will be sent to %s Technical Support. Sending this screenshot can be a very powerful tool to aid in the diagnosis of any problems that you may be having. If you have activated this feature accidentally, just close this message, and choose "No" to any dialogs that ask if you want to save the message, and nothing will be sent to %s technical support.\n \nIf you have any questions or concerns, please contact %s Technical Support at %s.\n \nThanks for choosing %s!
131 feltech@neato.com
132 screenshot.png
133 ODBC not installed. \nPlease, contact to your administrator.
134 Version Template Options
135 The %s value must be a number in the range from %g to %g
136 The %s value must be a number greater than %g
137 The %s value must be a number greater or equal than %g
138 Select field with picture type, please.
139 The License module is not installed. Try to reinstall MediaFACE properly.
140 The License module data record has been changed. The program cannot continue executing. Try to reinstall MediaFACE properly.
141 The some error has occurred in the License module. If you continue to receive this error, please try to reinstall MediaFACE.
142 Invalid serial number. License module cannot obtain valid serial number.
144 License module cannot write license information. If you continue to receive this error, please try to reinstall MediaFACE.
145 The program is not full version installed. Try to install or register full version.
146 The program is not trial version installed. If you continue to receive this error, please try to reinstall MediaFACE.
147 The evaluation time has expired. Please register or install a full version.
148 The evaluation time has been not started. If you continue to receive this error, please try to reinstall MediaFACE.
149 This Trial Version of MediaFACE 4 will expire in %u day(s).
150 The product is licensed to:
151 Trial Version.
152 This Trial Version of MediaFACE 4 will expire in %u days.
153 You have been registered successfully.\nNow you can install Image Libraries from the MediaFACE CD.
154 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil or criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
155 You cannot download the following items because you do not have appropriate rights:\n
416 Data Base Name:\n %s \nConnection string:\n %s\nTable:\n %s\nSQL:\n %s
417 Executing your query is failed. \nClick Test button for more info.
418 Ascending
419 Descending
420 Conditional
421 Sort
422 Conditional
423 Value
424 Next
425 Play list cannot be obtained from selected source.
426 Please, type some text.
427 You have selected several text shapes. Press "Yes" to add this formula\nto each one or press "No" to create new text shape.
428 Server: %s
429 FileName
430 Version
431 Paper & Label Templates
432 Project Templates
433 Plugins
434 Image Library
435 Skins
436 Numeric
437 OLE Object
438 Stop
439 Some items cannot be installed in MediaFACE 4.01 environment now. Application will try installing them in the next working session.
440 Plugin <%s> cannot be registered in MediaFACE 4.01 environment now. Application will try registering this plugin in the next working session.
441 Left
442 Center
443 Right
444 (None)
445 First Line
446 Hanging
447 This function returns value, formatted according the format_pattern. For example {MaskFormat(123456789,'###,###,###')}
448 Plug-In %s was successfully downloaded to your computer. If you want to install it immediately by MediaFACE application, press "Yes" button, follow on installation instructions and restart MediaFACE after successful installation. If you plan to install the Plug-In manually, please answer "No" and try to install it from location "%s".
449 Plug-In %s cannot be processed because it seems as corrupted package. You can try to manually extract plugin installation from the file "%s".\n
33096 Convert the rectangle to an ellipse\nConvert To Ellipse
33097 Convert the rectangle to a polygon\nConvert To Polygon
33098 Convert the rectangle to a square\nConvert To Square
33099 Convert the ellipse to a rectangle\nConvert To Rectangle
33100 Convert the ellipse to a circle\nConvert To Circle
33102 Show/hide types of download
33103 Show/hide Local items.
33104 Show/hide Local items.
33105 Refresh from server(s).
33106 Select all items\nSelect All
33107 Unselect all items\nUnselect All
33108 Grayscale image effect\nGrayscale effect
33109 Reverse image effect\nReverse effect
33110 Sharpen image effect\nSharpen effect
33111 Underlay image effect\nUnderlay effect
33115 Create a new text object\nText Tool
33116 Create a new rectangle object\nRectangle Tool
33117 Create a new ellipse object\nEllipse Tool
33118 Create a new line object\nLine Tool
33119 Drag curve segment\nSegment Tool
33120 Select objects in the editor\nObject Selection Tool
33121 Zoom the editor\nZoom Tool
33122 Scroll the editor\nScroll Tool
33125 Activate in-place editing of the object\nEdit Object
33126 Open OLE Object in a new window\nOpen Object
33131 Font foreground color.
33132 Font background color.
33133 Font shadow color.
33134 Original image effect\nOriginal effect
33239 Display the Paragraph options dialog\nParagraph
33240 Display the Numbering options dialog\nNumbering
33263 Open the Text Style palette for text editing\nEdit Text
33265 Open the Neato Web Update dialog\nWeb Update
33266 Display the Shapes Alignment dialog\nAlignment
33267 Display the help contents\nHelp
33268 Show or hide the version background\nToggle Version Background
33269 Rotate selected objects to 15 degrees\nRotate Objects
33270 Rotate selected objects to -15 degrees\nRotate Objects Clockwise
33271 Show or hide grid lines\nToggle Grid Lines
33272 Technical support service
33273 Display the User Info dialog\nUser Information
33274 Create a new file list\nFile List
33275 Create a new list from datasource\nList From Datasource
33276 Print current version\nPrint Version
33277 Show folder and picture names\nShow Names
33278 Display Image Library dialog\nImage Library
33279 Allows you to register the software\nWeb Registration
33280 More About Fellowes Products\nMore About Fellowes Products
33281 Apply Curved Text Effect\nCurved Effect
39446 Item:Number
39447 Item:Artist
39448 Item:Title
39449 Item:Duration
39450 Item:Name
39451 Item:Size
39452 Item:Type
39453 Item:FullName
39998 Name
39999 Data List Information
40001 Date
40002 Long Format (auto)
40003 Short Format (auto)
40004 dd mmm, yyyy
40005 mm/dd/yy
40006 dd-mm-yy
40007 dd/mm/yy
40008 mmm dd, yyyy
40009 mmm, dd Weekday
40010 Time
40011 hh:mm:ss
40012 hh:mm
40013 hh:mm PM/AM
40014 Sequence
40015 Auto Number Legal
40016 Auto Number Outline
40017 Serial Number
40018 User Information
40019 Company Name
40020 First Name
40021 Last Name
40022 Address 1
40023 Address 2
40024 City
40025 State/Province
40026 Zip/Postal Code
40027 Country
40028 Telephone Number(s)
40029 Email address
40030 Play List Information
40031 PlayList:Artist
40032 PlayList:Album
40033 PlayList:PlayTime
40034 PlayList:NumberOfTracks
40035 File List Information
40036 FileList:Name
40037 FileList:NumberOfFiles
40038 Project Information
40039 File Path
40040 TITLE
40042 AUTHOR
40049 This function returns value, formatted according the format_pattern.
40050 This function should return Current_Value. After each printing this Current_Value should be incremented by IncrementValue. After incrementing, this new value should be placed into parameter of this function in the field code.
40051 Returns value without beginning and ending spaces.